Category: related research
On 11 November 2024 at the Center for Philosophy of Science of the University of Lisbon (CFCUL), María de Paz (Univ. Seville), Silvia di Marco (CFCUL), and Pietro Gori (IFILNOVA) will meet to discuss about Mary Hesse’s view of scientific knowledge.
During the meeting will be launched the book “Ensaios sobre o conhecimento científico” (Colibri, Lisboa; ed. P. Gori), that collects key papers on scientific knowledge by Mary Hesse, translated for the first time into portuguese.
The meeting will take place at the Faculty of Science of the University of Lisbon, room 6.2.44, starting 4 PM.
Diectory entry on Hesse
Helene Scott-Fordsmand has recently contributed an insightful directory entry on Mary Hesse (1924-2016) for the Directory of Women Philosophers.
Follow this link to read Helene’s account of Hesse’s legacy and her impact on modern philosophy.
As an outcome of our research project a Symposium on “Pragmatism and/on Science and Scientism” has been edited by Pietro Gori and Rachel Cristy for the European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy.
The aim of the Symposium is to explore the relationship of pragmatist philosophy with both science and scientism throughout the history of the tradition, from Peirce’s analysis of the representation and implementation of scientific concepts to Brandom’s contemporary pragmatic reappropriation of Hegelian epistemology for the understanding of scientific theories.
You can reach here the published issue.
Nice article on Hesse
The 2022 article “The lady vanishes” by Ann-Sophie Barwich, published on the online magazine AEON, is devoted to Mary Hesse. It is an interesting peice where Barwich argues that “the overwhelming absence of women in intellectual history is constructed. And we won’t prevent the fading of women from future history simply with an occasional reminder about the existence of a few remarkable individuals throughout the ages. What really causes our collective forgetting is the stepwise removal of their names from ongoing conversation.” For Barwich, “the story of Mary Hesse shows how quickly even well-known women from our recent past can vanish from the collective memory of their peers.”
Hesse was different. Her ideas present a refreshing departure from her contemporaries’ single-minded infatuation with the logic and justification of scientific knowledge and the idea that the rationality of philosophers ruled the foundation of science.

Forces and Fields
On November 21, 2022, María De Paz will give a talk on one of the first works published by Mary Hesse, “Forces and Fields” (1961).
In that book, Hesse focuses on the question “How do bodies act on one another across space?”, elaborating a variety of answers that illustrates the function of fundamental analogies or models in physics, as well as the role of so-called unobservable entities. Hesse examines the use of analogies in primitive scientific explanation, particularly in the works of aristotle, and contrast them with latter-day theories such as those of gravitation and relativity. Her perspective sheds considerable light on the scientific thinking of antiquity, and it highlights the debt that the seventeenth-century natural philosophers owed to Greek ideas.
The session will take place at Colégio Almada Negreiros of the NOVA University of Lisbon , Room SE1, from 2:30 PM.

Scientific Modelling Workshop
On November 4, 2022, our research project will host a workshop on “Scientific Modelling and the Classic Tradition”, with guests from the Inductive Metaphysics research group.
The meeting will take place at the NOVA University of Lisbon, FCSH (av. de Berna 26 C).
10AM-12AM – Session 1
FCSH Building B, Room 304
– Kristina Engelhard (Uni Trier), “Modeling natural kinds according to Kant”
– Lorenzo Spagnesi (Uni Trier), “Regulative Idealization: A Kantian Approach to Idealized Models”
2PM-4PM – Session 2
FCSH Building B, Room 304
– David Hommen (Uni Duesseldorf), “A Wittgensteinian View of Models”
– Giulia Terzian (IFILNOVA), “False models can be good models: the case of generative linguistics”

Book launch
As previously announced, on September 26, 3-5 PM (London/Lisbon time), we will host a session with Michela Massimi, who will present her newly published book on Perspectival Realism.
Anyone who is based in Lisbon can join the session at Colégio Almada Negreiros / Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Room 209.
For those who are not in Lisbon and would like to attend online, free registration is required through this form. The link to the Zoom session will be sent the day before the event.
Perspectival Realism
Michela Massimi‘s book on Perspectival Realism is finally out and available in open access! You can download it at this link.
The book addresses relevant issues for our research project. For that reason, we are organizing a hybrid book launch with Michela Massimi, on September 26, 2022.
Save the date and stay tuned for more information about it!