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New publication

The volume “Ensaios sobre o conhecimento científico“, edited by Pietro Gori, has recently been published, collecting selected texts by Mary Hesse translated into Portuguese for the first time.
The essays published in this volume outline the theoretical path developed by Mary Hesse and show the challenges that her view of scientific knowledge pose for contemporary philosophy.
As much as the work of well-known authors such as Paul Feyerabend and Thomas Kuhn, Hesse’s philosophical reflections stimulated the debate on the value and limits of scientific knowledge and contributed to the development of a broader approach to classic questions in the philosophy of science, an approach that includes methodologies and theoretical content from other disciplines: primarily the history of science, but also sociology and hermeneutics.
Further information on the volume can be found here.

related research

Meeting on Mary Hesse and Scientific Knowledge

On 11 November 2024 at the Center for Philosophy of Science of the University of Lisbon (CFCUL),  María de Paz (Univ. Seville), Silvia di Marco (CFCUL), and Pietro Gori (IFILNOVA) will meet to discuss about Mary Hesse’s view of scientific knowledge.
During the meeting will be launched the book “Ensaios sobre o conhecimento científico” (Colibri, Lisboa; ed. P. Gori), that collects key papers on scientific knowledge by Mary Hesse, translated for the first time into portuguese. 
The meeting will take place at the Faculty of Science of the University of Lisbon, room 6.2.44, starting 4 PM.



Pietro Gori @EPISTRAN preliminary meeting

In the occasion of the EPISTRAN preliminary meeting that will take place on July 2023, 13th and 14th (NOVA/FCSH + online), Pietro Gori will deliver an exploratory paper titled “Expanding the epistemological framework of natural science. Mary Hesse (and Thomas Kuhn) on Hermeneutics, Translation, and Interpretation“.
The paper will be focused on Mary Hesse’s hermeneutic approach towards scientific knowledge, in relationship/comparison with Thomas Kuhn’s reflections on translation and interpretation in science.


The EPISTRAN project is financed by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, through CETAPS’ strategic programme, references UIDB/04097/2020 and UIDP/04097/2020. It also enjoys the collaboration of the following research centres: CHAM, CICS, CRIA, CLUNL, IFILNOVA, CEAUL, CECC



EPISTRAN project

Within the activities on Mary Hesse’s view of scientific knowledge, part of the research team joined the project on “Epistemic Translation:  Towards an Ecology of Knowledges” (EPISTRAN) launched in Spring 2023 at the FCSH/NOVA University of Lisbon
Responding to a challenge raised by Douglas Robinson in the conclusion of his book Translationality (2017: 200-202), the EPISTRAN project uses concepts, methods and theories from Translation Studies to investigate the semiotic processes (verbal and nonverbal) involved in the transfer of information between different ‘epistemic systems’. The main focus is on the relationship between technical ‘scientific’ knowledge (i.e. the kind of knowledge which purports to be objective, rational and universal) and the various embedded, embodied and subjective forms of knowledge that have served as its Others in different times and places. Starting from the assumption that these are different modes of discourse and thus susceptible to translational operations, the project seeks to investigate the mechanisms at work in three distinct areas: 
The research, which makes use of methods drawn from Descriptive Translation Studies, supplemented with considerations from recent work in the fields of multimodality, neuroscience and information technology, is conducted by a transdisciplinary team with a shared interest in translation. 

EPISTRAN is financed by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, through CETAPS’ strategic programme, references UIDB/04097/2020 and UIDP/04097/2020. It also enjoys the collaboration of the following research centres: CHAM, CICS, CRIA, CLUNL, IFILNOVA, CEAUL, CECC