
Arguments from Analogy

On May 6th, 2022 (10:30 Lisbon/London Time), Fabrizio Macagno (IFILNOVA) will deliver a paper on Arguments from analogy. Aristotelian’s Approach and Hesse’s Legacy.
Argument from analogy is a fundamental type of explicit reasoning, whose uses and applications are deeply investigated in argumentation theory, law, education, and artificial intelligence. Its structure is commonly analyzed as a combination of an inductive and a deductive process – leading from the observation of some common features to a generalization, from which a particular conclusion is drawn. The claim that this presentation intends to defend is that analogical arguments can be analyzed as meta-arguments, or rather as the expression of different types of argument. In this perspective, analogy is regarded as a strategy for supporting a conclusion through different types of argumentative (inferential) relations.
The session can be attended online by registering at this link.
related research

Philosophical Inquiries on Hesse

The 2015 issue of the journal “Philosophical Inquiries” (vol. 3/1) hosted papers dedicated to reflections on themes related with Mary Hesse’s investigation (e.g. analogies and the cognitive functions of metaphors in the natural sciences;  metaphorical hermeneutics; the cognitive role of metaphors in teaching science; etc.).


An overview

The opening event of our project will take place on the 4th of march, 2022. Pietro Gori (PI of the project) will deliver a paper on Mary B. Hesse’s Postempiricist Epistemology.
The paper will deal with Mary Hesse’s attempt to outline a postempiricist epistemology which might criticize and eventually overcome the traditional (positivist) conception of the relationship between facts and theories.
The session can be attended online by registering at this link.